Really, when I am having a hard time, when I am struggling, when I am down, when I am failing, when I am searching, when I am not perfect, when I make a mistake… the LAST thing I want is someone acting Judgemental, Self-Righteous, Inconsiderate, Un-compassionate, and Non-sympathetic towards me!!!
Seriously, how awful can you be? And you know that “Christians” can be the WORST!
Actually… it’s me. I am the worst!
I want everyone to be understanding, forgiving, loving, compassionate, sympathetic, and kind to me when I am down, or not perfect, or make a mistake, or struggling. BUT I am self-righteous, judgmental, inconsiderate, un-compasionate, and non-sympathetic to others when they are in the same boat.
Just being honest with you, I some times want to say while some one is “sharing” with me their woes (of course, with a very compassionate face) “oh, I am so sorry for you.” All the while thinking, “I would never act like that, or make that mistake, or struggle with that! They just aren’t trusting God like I am. They aren’t as strong as me.” Truly, I am so unkind.
The Lord has dealt with me on this issue the last few months. Please, allow me to share with you what the Lord has revealed to me about my own sinful heart.
1. WHO do I think I am?!
~ We think to highly of ourselves
Romans 12:3 …Don’t think of yourself more highly then you should!
2. WHAT is sticking out of my Eye?!
~ Look in the mirror! Sometimes the things that stand out the most to us in others, is the very problem that we are struggling with ourselves!
Matthew 7:3 …Why do you see the speck in your brothers eye and miss the mote in yours?
3. HOW am I being deceived?!
~ Not everyone is the same as me (praise the LORD!) He made us each different. You will not handle things the way I handle them. It does NOT make me a better person if I don’t make the mistake you make. Truth is God sees our hearts. And they are all sinful! (including yours and mine! regardless of our “good intentions”) Only God can judge. I am no one! I cannot judge, when I need to be judged myself. It is easy to deceive myself into thinking that I am someone special. That I am above sin.
Jeremiah 17:9 …the heart is deceitful and wicked above all things!
I hope that this challenged you as it has me. I know I have to remind myself of this lesson often. It really isn’t pretty…Seeing myself as the one that is wrong. We must be careful as Christians to not judge. It is NOT our job! I pray that the Lord will continue to challenge my heart and yours.
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