So, one of my goals this year is to not put myself on Bed Rest! I know that there will be things out of my control with this pregnancy, but as much as possible, I am going to try and not help be the problem in any way! With two little boys now, bed rest is just not something that would be convenient! (When is bed rest ever convenient?) I know my tendency is to do a ton of stuff when I feel good and then pay for it later. So, I am learning to pace myself. (Even if this means not getting everything done at the moment I want it to!)
This goal has helped me really think about doing things efficiently. And it has allowed me to work on little projects that really don’t take much time, but just a little effort! Seriously, I should be implementing this bed rest pending or not! Knocking out the little projects a bit at a time and splitting up housework to a little every day has been helping me keep on the organizing track!
Here is a little project that literally took 3 minutes to do! I do not like opening a cupboard and shoving things in, but sometimes, I just do it. (And keep doing it, until the door can’t close! But hey, no else sees it!)
Little project #1:
Under the Kitchen Sink
Little Project #2:
Decide what to do with Whitmans Sample of chocolate that was given to me for Christmas…
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