My oldest is in Tee Ball this year! It is the first year of many years of sports!
I know with three very active boys and one very athletic hubby, I am in for many (MANY) more sports season in the next few years.
(I shudder a little when I think about when all THREE boys will be on different teams and have different games and practices that this momma will have to keep track of!!!)
Jayden is so active and LOVES every minute he is on the field.
“I’m ready!”
(There are moments when his attention does wander a bit. Hehehe.)
Jon is coaching Jayden’s team THE DODGERS.
“Are you Ready, Jayden?”
“Throw the ball to First!”
“To First!”
“First base! Right here!!!”
“I got it, DAD!”
In Tee Ball, there are no winners or losers. Everyone bats. No one gets thrown out. And the whole team plus parents are on the field when the other team is up to bat. It is fun chaos sometimes! Hahaha!
This week Jimmy was with me and cheering on his brother and the Dodgers Team.
Apparently, he was also on call for a spy agency.
He didn’t know I caught him speaking into the hidden phone in his wrist.
(The imagination of a two year old!)
“Is it my turn to bat yet?”
Jayden is making lots of new friends!
And I love the opportunity to get involved with my community and get to know my neighbors!
“Yes! It’s my turn!”
Daddy is such a good coach!
Gotta make sure your feet are perfect.
“Now, Dad? Can I hit it NOW?”
Swing, Batter-Batter!!!
(Ok… Maybe it just went over the pitcher mound… But that’s far for Tee Ball!)
“OH MAN! That Ball went Far!”
Run! Jayden! Run!
He tossed his helmet and went for a victory run to first!
I love his excitement!
Standing on first, Jayden turns to his screaming Mom and gives her the “Man Look”
(The “Man Look” is what I call any face or look that my boys give me where I get glimpses of who the might be when they are too big to ask me to kiss their boo-boos or crawl in my lap or…
“SNIFF” ….. I gotta stop!)
Number 5. My favorite number!
Jimmy says, “Go Dodgers!”
One of my favorite pictures of the day is this one.
Assistant Coach (Adopted older brother, Troy) helping Jayden as First Baseman.
This first season of Tee Ball is going to be over too soon!
My first baby is growing up so fast!
I can’t help but thank God once again for ALL MY GOOD THINGS!
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