Yesterday morning I was busy. Busy emptying the dishwasher, changing diapers, getting breakfast, cleaning up breakfast, picking up toys, starting laundry, working on the computer, checking Facebook, picking up food off the floor, working on my giant “To Do” list, shushing obnoxious dogs, drinking cold coffee….
Ok. You get it. I was busy. Mom busy. That kind of busy that overtakes us as moms when we feel like the world is pressuring us to have a perfectly clean house, a balanced meal plan that has been organized for weeks, dinner started by 9am, your latest Pinterest project almost completed, and two hours of working out checked off the list! Sooo doable…
All while attempting to be the perfect Mommy and Wife, I was ignoring the very little people that actually make me a Mommy!
My little Jimmy Wray abruptly interrupted my busy mom routine by running into the kitchen crying. I am still not sure what happened. But he needed me to kiss his Boo-boo!
For a brief moment I was annoyed by the interruption. Frustrated that once again my children needed me to stop everything once again!
Ok. Tell me I’m a horrible, pathetic mommy! I admit it. I totally was distracted from the really important part of being a mommy. Actually, BEING A MOMMY!
One of the most wonderful things about children is they are so forgiving. They are quick to accept your hugs and kisses and attention and bask in the love you show them.
When I realized how distracted I had been that morning, I quickly got down on Jimmy’s level, kissed him gently on his Boo-boo, and held him to my chest and comforted him. In that moment, holding my sweet little boy, I allowed the pressures I had so foolishly placed on myself that morning fade away. In place, I determined to be aware of my babies at my feet. To sit on the floor and play with them and find myself relaxed and enjoying every smile, giggle and silly little antic their little minds create.
Do you ever have those kinds of mornings? Or maybe days? Am I the only one?
Let me encourage you mamma…. Don’t be too busy….You don’t have to be perfect…
Always Stop and Kiss the Boo-Boos. Because all too soon, they will be grown up and I won’t be able to kiss away the owies.
What about you? How are you doing Mamma? Are you feeling the pressure? Feel free to vent to an imperfect Mommy!
Happy Baby Kissing,
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