When I was pregnant with Jimmy Wray I had some pretty intense cravings! Unfortunately, I didn’t have a car to run out and to fulfill my crazy cravings, not to mention I was on bed rest and wasn’t allowed to anyways! But FORTUNATELY, my sister was more then willing to indulge me and quite often brought home my food obsessions to satisfy a pregnant mamma! (What a great sister, right?)
By a weird series of events, my sister and I were introduced to a bubbly orange drink that intrigued and excited us. Neither of us could pronounce the name, nor were we sure of where it came from. All we knew was it was amazing and it was Italian!
It has been three years since we discovered that amazing orange drink. And although my sister did happen to find it one day in an Italian bakery, I am unable to locate and buy this amazing drink.
Ok. I said all that to build up to my amazing discovery! Two ingredients! Yep! That’s it!
And just because it’s only two ingredients I’m gonna do a tutorial! (Hahahaha!)
You start with a glass full of Ice.
Fill half-way with Sparkling Water.
Fill to the top with 100% Orange Juice.
Stick a straw in it! AND THAT’S IT!!!!!!
My sister testing for approval.
WIN! My turn to spoil her!!!
Happy Day!
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