Today is my Jimmy Wray’s Birthday!
I can’t help but celebrate his life and the amazing little boy he is. God gave us this precious gift three years ago. I am so thankful to be Jimmy’s Mommy.
Let me gush a little and show you his awesome personality and sweet smile!
It’s hard to believe this little boy was just over 4 pounds when he was born! He gave us a roller coaster pregnancy, but it was worth every hospital visit and prayer.
He was born at 32 weeks. God answered my prayers and he only had to stay in the NICU for 2 weeks.
Look at how tiny!!! Say it with me… “Awwwwwwwwwwwww!”
Jayden was so proud to be a big brother! Jimmy loves his big brother and tries very hard to keep up with him.
Just to show how tiny Jimmy was look at his little legs sticking out of his premie shirt!!!! (My heart… melts… every time I look at these pictures!)
Ok. Flash forward 3 years. Not so little any more! Jimmy is only 5 pounds less then his 5 year old brother!
Jimmy has tons of personality. Loves to pretend he is a Super-Hero.
He is very cautious. Jimmy likes to observe and calculate before doing things. You can often find him with this “thinking” face, especially in a crowd.
Jimmy loves his brothers! (He and Jayden stole mommies phone and took a selfie!)
Jordan and Jimmy love to make messes together!
One of the things I love about Jimmy is his silliness! A couple of weeks ago the kids sang in church. Jimmy hammed it up the whole time! LOL. (Tongue out and silly faces the whole time!)
I just can’t get enough of his smiles! I wish I had a recording of his laugh to let you listen to. His laugh is so cute and contagious. He often asks me to tickle him and I can’t resist!
I can’t wait to see how you grow this year Jimmy Wray! I think you are a pretty awesome little boy!
And of course… A little stinker too! HA!