I am blessed. I know it.
Please allow me to gush a bit…
As of today, I have been married EIGHT AMAZING YEARS to the Man of my dreams!
If you would have told me 11 years ago that there was a guy like Jon Jackson in the world and that he would love me as fiercely and devoted as he does, I would not have believed it!
Well, Baby, I believe it NOW!
The last eight years of marriage (10 years dating) have been one big adventure. Really, if I told you some of the stories you would not believe them. There have been moments of tears and heartaches, and times of fun and laughter, times of hard work and sleepless nights, times of silliness and craziness…. but all of those times, no matter what they were, I wouldn’t trade for the world…
I am married to my best friend, my favorite person, my hero, my lover, my leader, (he’s even my Pastor! LOL). And I know…
He’s the Man of My Dreams, the Love of My Life, and He’s ALL MINE!
Ya… I am blessed…
And I am keeping him!
Love from a very Happy Woman,
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