Sometimes I worry. Somedays I can’t figure out what the future may be or may not be. I get overwhelmed. I can’t figure out how the budget is going to work or how we are going to fix a broken window or get new tires or how this certain situation will work out or well, you know…
You ever feel that way? Do you ever try to figure it all out and get nothing accomplished but a wasted day and a headache? Ya. I feel you. We all have been there. The overwhelming temptation to worry, be anxious and totally stress out!
I am so over trying to figure everything out! Because you know what? I CAN’T! And neither can you. What I do know, and can rely on, is Jesus! Why is it that I always seem to forget how he provided for my family and I over and over and over again? He always comes through. He never forgets me. All I have to do is do what I know he wants me to do and he will take care of the rest!
This morning, I read a few simple verses that I have read probably hundreds of times in my Christian life. But this morning… Well, let’s just say the hit the heart.
“And do not seek what you are to eat and what you are to drink, nor be worried. For all the nations of the world seek after these things, and your Father knows that you need them. Instead, seek his kingdom, and these things will be added to you. Fear not, little flock, for it your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.” Luke 12:29-32
I keep reading over and over “And your Father knows that you need them.” He knows what I need! He’s got this! You can bet that he is taking care of all the details. Jesus LOVES blessing and providing for us!
Let me challenge you to read all of Luke 12 today. Give yourself a little worry check. Relax and trust God. I enjoy peace in my heart a lot more then worry!
May your day be blessed,
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