There are moments when you are going about every day life…
Ya, know. The boring routine stuff…(take the kids to school, do laundry, wash dishes, do laundry, clean the house, do laundry, etc…)
…when suddenly time seems to slow down you and the world around you gets a little fuzzy. Your heart swells and a smile or maybe even a tear shows up on your face.
You suddenly realize that this is a moment you want to remember forever. You heart is overwhelmed and swelling.
This everyday moment is special. It’s important.
I call these points in time, Memory Moments.
I have been trying to pay attention to them. This year is just flying! I mean really going fast! My baby just turned TWO! (Wasn’t I just pregnant with him???) My oldest is about to graduate from Kindergarten, and you would think Jimmy was a TEENAGER with the way he talks SMACK!
A few weeks ago, I picked Jayden up from school and I had all three boys… They were so happy to see each other at the end of the day. As I watched them take off down the hallway of the school, I couldn’t help but see time… A time when those boys are going to all be together in school and running down the halls terrorizing everyone, running the place, doing amazing stuff…
Sheesh! I am getting tears in my eyes!
Don’t miss those Memory Moments in your life.
They will be gone so soon. Savor them. Hold on to them. Let them carry you through the boring routine days and the CRAZY, BAD, HECTIC, FRUSTRATING Days that we all go through.
Here’s to the Memory Moments!
Ps. Have you had a Memory Moment lately? Please share!
Mine is a little different… Looking at what was, what is, and what I am waiting for/hoping for in a life circumstance… The memory moment is what I can envision in the future!
I believe it is going to be a beautiful FUTURE for you, Danielle!!! Can’t wait to see it!
I have memory moments like that too! Like the other day we were going for a walk and my 9 year old said to his 4 yr old sister, “Hold my hand!” And they walked hand in hand down the sidewalk. It was so cute and precious…time stood still for that moment.
That is so special! I love moments like this!!!
I really do try to take in those small little moments, too. My boys are growing up WAY too fast for my liking.
I think I just had one of those moments. I was watching my one year old play with her toy cat. She was pushing it in her doll stroller, “feeding” it, and brushing its hair (even let it “talk” on the phone to “papa”) and I just had to stop and watch. It made me realize how much she’s growing up that she plays pretend now. It makes me sad to imagine her all grown up, in a way, because I miss her being a baby.
I sit back and tell myself all the time, “Wow, where has the time gone?” My daughters are growing like tumbleweed and I’m cherishing every moment of it. They grow up way too fast!
My 3 older kids were all working together to color their playhouse with chalk. They were so cute working together to make their masterpiece. I love the little moments when they get along perfectly and try to take a mental snapshot anytime I see it.
We just had one very big one with my son who turned 13 2 months ago. But that is a memory that i will never forget.
You are so right. Like Ben Franklin said: Lost time is never found. We must cherish the time we get with them and look for the little things that will be forever treasured in our hearts.
Great quote Elayna!
They absolutely do fly by in a moment. Savor them indeed!
Hi, Keikilani! Loved how you signed off on this post 🙂 It’s so good that you take notice of “memory moments!” So precious…
goosebumps…. So true! My oldest is going to 2nd grade next year and my youngest is already 3. Two more years and I will be home without them during the school year! Too fast!!