When you are a mom it is quite easy loose your sanity. The little army surrounding you can often drain you of all the logic and clarity of mind with their non-stop questions, sticky messes, re-fill demanding sippy cups, diapers that knock-you-over, climbing, and falling, and boo-boos, and all around chaos.
Of course, we moms absolutely adore our sweet little cherubs (most of the time), but it can be exhausting. It doesn’t matter if you are a mom to one, two, six or twelve! Being a mom is a 24/7 job.
I thought I would start a re-occuring post to share with you the things that I am doing to keep my sanity in my mommy-world. It changes every few weeks. Sometimes I have to get creative and steal little snippets of time to recharge and there are times when I need to hire a babysitter so I can kick myself out of the house and regroup before coming back to manage my brood. I am always looking for new ways to keep myself refreshed and bring a little sanity to my crazy life.
Lately, I have been….
**Indulging in some Ghirardelli Intense Dark Twilight Chocolate. Those little squares are just pure heaven. They truly “take me away” for a good moment. Dark chocolate is very good for you! Lots of health benefits too! Hehehe! My husband was so sweet and bought me quite a large amount of chocolate after a post I made on Facebook complaining I didn’t have anything but old Easter candy in the house!!!
Yep… I think I will keep him!
**Getting up BEFORE my children and enjoying my coffee in peace. (My boys are extremely early risers and the moment their little eyes pop open so does the noise!) Finishing my coffee in peace AND while it is hot just does wonders for my mornings. I do have to check myself and not be grumpy if the kids do get up super early, before I can have my coffee in peace.
One recent morning, Jimmy woke the whole house up at 5:45 am screaming because his pillow fell off his bed. (He doesn’t believe in getting out of bed to come get mommy. He just screams until someone hears his moaning…. We are working on this.)
It’s not quite an every morning habit yet. But I am working on it. The time of peace and quite is something I need in my life right now. It is worth getting up early for.
**TWENTY bags of stuff… GONE!!!! I have been on a mission for the last few weeks to get rid of “stuff!” I felt overwhelmed by the clutter and just all around “stuff” in my house. It was eating my soul! (Okay. Maybe not that dramatic, but I did write about it and challenged myself to get rid of the unnecessary things in my home.) It did take a bit of effort, but I broke the purging down into manageable chunks. Even with kids at home, you can get rid of the things that are cluttering your house and your life. I am finding an organized home is much easier to maintain.
I am not done with my purging! Christmas is coming and I know that will bring new things into our home. Which is wonderful, but it also means it is okay to say good-bye to the old, used, or unnecessary. I refuse to let the clutter rule my life. You should try it. Start with just one room or one closet or even one cabinet. You won’t want to stop!
So, now you know a little of how I keep my head on straight with six little crazies underfoot…. At least for this week! HAHAHAHA!!!!
Happy Sanity,
Ps. What do you do to keep your sanity during the week?
Liz @ Yes/No Films says
Wow – 6 kids? Sounds like a handful! I’m not a mom, but I work plus run two blogs, so I make sure to have some “me time” sometimes too – sitting down to read a book (which is also work b/c I have a book blog, lol) or watching a TV show I like.
rachdean1 says
Chocolate always helps! I’m glad you are taking time for you!!! It’s so important.
Crystal (The Imperfect Mom) says
When I start losing it I have to refer to my husband. For instance, I told my oldest to get ready for bed. She was in the kitchen eating, making a huge mess and left the faucet running. I also like a glass of wine on Fridays. It’s my way of saying that I made it through the week.