You know sometimes people think moms are complicated to buy Christmas Presents for. But really, we aren’t. We want simple things. They aren’t expensive. Hot coffee. Going to the bathroom without interruption. It’s little things….
Hahahahaha!!! Okay. Really, this is what is on my Christmas wish list this year.
Immersion Blender It is no secret that I love to cook. I have been eyeing this tool this year especially since I made a lot of Apple Butter and Homemade Tomato Sauce. This immersion blender would have made it even easier!
BOBS House Shoes It’s winter and my feet are cold. And I hate socks. Really. I don’t like them. I covet these comfy and cozy shoes that would be perfect to wear around the house all day.
Harry Potter Mug I love Harry Potter. I am not as obsessed as my little sister. But I do love the movies and this mug just makes me smile. And when drinking coffee why not smile some more?
iPad and iPhone Stand I often use my iPhone or iPad to read recipes (or write recipes) while I am cooking. I don’t have a stand to prop up my iPhone and I am sad to say that it fell in the flour over Thanksgiving after propping it up on top of the canister. This is definitely on the list! HA! (ps. iPhone is okay. Recovered from the flour experience)
Yankee Cinnamon Stick Candle I love candles!!! But I have learned my lesson that you get what you pay for when it comes to long burning candles with great scent. I burn cinnamon scented candles all year long. It just makes my house feel like home.
Long Tunic Sweaters I am in love with long tunic style sweaters! Give me a pair of leggings and a comfy sweater every day of the week! They are comfy, but still stylish. And I don’t feel like a frumpy, underdressed mommy when I wear them. WIN!!!
Girly Camera Bag I love my DSLR Canon Camera. But I hate the ugly stock bag that it came with. I love this bright and girly camera bag. It would make carrying around my camera so much more fun!!!
White Serving Bowls
I really love white dishes. They can be simple and elegant at the same time. I have been wanting some white serving dishes to add to my collection. Eventually, I would love a collection of all white dishes in different shapes and designs. (it would be so pretty displayed on open shelves too!)
So if anyone is asking….(ahem!) This is my wish list.
I also would love for a full night of sleep and sleeping in to 8 am on Saturday. But if this list is easier… I understand.
Happy Wishing,
Ps. What is on your Christmas Wish List?
I am asking for a wife this christmas. Since I have been working more I now have less time to do the things I used to.
Hints noted! ?
I love the joke at the top! I don’t have kids, but my dogs are just like them! I just want to be with friends and family this Christmas!
I like a few of those items you have on your wish list, especially the red camera bag. Like you, I have always hated the ones that come with a camera because they are boring black bags.
Yes to everything on this list! Especially the girly camera bag.
Great suggestions. Long tunic sweaters are my FAVORITE and I would love to be able to go to the bathroom alone. mom life problems.
I love immersion blenders. So versatile in the kitchen. Hope Santa brings you one
Your conversation with Santa is hilarious! Yes, Mom’s really are not hard to buy for. Personally I’d be content with just spending a relaxed time with my family when no one needed or wanted anything 🙂
HA! Love that. And these are some great suggestions. I am asking for new dishes!
I have an immersion blender on my list this year as well. I would get so much use out of being able to quickly use it rather than drag out my big blender!
My new house is on my wish list. I have a pair of Bobs, but I wear mine out. I so love them! They are so ugly, but the comfort is amazing. Mine look like a glitter ball.
Ha ha ha, I remember when my girls were young, those 5 minutes were impossible to get. LOVE this sweater. Looks so comfy.
I hear ya, a unicorn is definitely more likely to show up here as well! That said I do have an immersion blender and it’s great! Hope santa gets that one for you on your list!
I have all white dishes, and it seems I need a new set every year, along with a dozen or so new glasses. I lose so many every year! That’s actually why I started buying just white. That and they look good in my glass front cupboard like you said. I got a really cute set of 12 last year at I’ll have to see if they are still there.
Beyond that I need a new flat iron and curling iron (those both broke too), and a new MacBook Pro to replace my oldie that can no longer update to the latest version of Safari. That’s a long list…good thing my birthday is 4 days after Christmas.???
I used to wish for those potty breaks too (6 kids in 12 years), but take heart ladies, now I can go to the bathroom whenever I want. The sad part is I don’t have any little babies any more. I did get a grandbaby this year though!❤️❤️❤️
I hope everything on your wish list comes true! I just got a new curling iron. Couldn’t wait for Christmas! LOL