This post is sponsored by Red Baron but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.
Here we are a month into summer break?
How are you doing Momma?
How are you surviving that chaos that comes with summer break?
Well…. Let’s just say we have had our good days and our “In the trenches, war story days…”
You were probably like me, and had a good, well thought out plan for keeping the chaos at bay during the long summer days of epic boredom, constant requests for electronic times, unreasonable numbers of requests for snacks, and obnoxious bickering over who touched who first.
It was a good plan. But then… The littlest people escaped into the backyard and turned on the hose making an epic mud pit and then promptly came inside the house dropping little piles of mud all through the house.
Chaos is just going to happen when you have an army of little people who are determined to find ways to challenge their momma’s patience to their very core.
Here is what I have learned from the past few summers and what I work very hard at reminding myself this summer… I only need two things to survive those fun-filled, crazy, ridiculous days when my children make me loose my mind!
You need to Let. It. Go.
Yep. Just let it go. You carefully thought out routine, and rules, and schedule, and bucket list… Some of those hard days, you just have to let it go. Let it all go to chaos. Embrace the moments when everything goes wrong and drop those expectations of everything being perfect.
I put so much pressure on myself to be the perfect mom in control. But that pressure spills onto my children. And the reality is, we can’t be perfect and live up to all those unrealistic expectations all the time.
My daughters were so proud of themselves and the mud they were “cooking.” They were so excited to show me their messy creation. And while my heart sank when I saw the trail of mud through my house, I took a deep breath and followed them outside to admire their work.
They were so filthy, I decided to change the entire morning’s plans and we went to our friends pool to take a “bath.”
The chaotic morning turned into a fun morning at the pool. It wasn’t in my plans to mop the floor or go to the pool today, but it was awesome.
The second thing you need to survive the summer is….
Red Baron Pizza.
Since all my plans changed, so did what I was going to make for lunch.
I will admit I was pretty tired from having to clean up the mud and wrangle the kids at the pool. I didn’t feel like cooking or cleaning anymore.
Fortunately, I had, in a moment of brilliance, stocked up on Red Baron Pizza for moments such as these.
The kids made set up a little picnic outside on the patio with their pool towels and I served them their Cheese and Pepperoni Red Baron Pizza on paper plates with some lemonade.
I sat in my patio chair and watched them happily eat their pizza (I ate a piece too!) and just felt so thankful. This day was full of chaos, and frustration, and messes, and none of my plans, but it was a good day.
And I am pretty thankful for these crazy people of mine who drive my sanity to it’s limits and make my heart explode with love all in the same day.
Motherhood. It certainly is fun. Ha!
Happy Summer Days,
Having some pool time after all of the messiness was a good idea. I’m always happy to finish the day with a good pizza too.
I like your let it go plan! I totally agree with you. We need so many days to just chill out and have no plans. And yes… pizza is always a good idea too!
I need a pool for sure and some pizza!! I really, really love that pool and wish I could do an inground one here!
We haven’t even started summer vacation yet but you’re right. The key to it is to let it go. Remember what it was like to be a kid and have some fun. And yes, definitely make it easy on yourself too with some Red Baron!
I need my kids to just let it go! I dread the daily question of “what are we doing today?” It is summer! Go play!
You can’t go wrong with pizza and swimming! I know my family loves both equally!
Red Baron pizza is a must have in our home all the time!
LOVE your advice to LET IT GO! This is something I am working HARD on this summer! My kids love Red Baron and I love how convenient it is!
pizza is a staple in this house. red barron is awesome, have a few boxes in the freezer now.