I have sat down to write a “New Years” blog post so many time this week. But I would either just sit at the computer and stare or begin to write and immediately delete everything.
You could say the words just were just not flowing out… I have so much to tell you. But I can’t get all the words in order. So I decided to bullet point the heck out my thoughts….
I feel like I am emerging from a coma…. Slowly coming out of 2018. Letting go of all the weight it carried for me and embracing the new and fresh of 2019. I tend to be super quiet on my blog and social media when I am processing things, but it’s time to start talking!
*2018 I went into survival mode.
I stretched myself too thin. I did not allow myself to process past hurts and big changes in my life. My overall health was a struggle to the point of pure exhaustion.
At the end of 2018 I finally decided to stop complaining about how hard things were, how much I was exhausted, how stretched thin I was and made choices to make big changes to my life and health.
*Just because you make a decision to change doesn’t mean the change happened.
If only making the decision to change caused the actual change to happen!
(I am one of those people who works out one time and then expects my pants to be a size too big. hahahaha)
Change starts when you take action and then continue to take action.
Taking action on some decisions were extremely difficult for me. I recently have discovered I am a #2 on the enneagram scale. Which is no surprise to anyone who is close to me. I tend to care a who bunch about what people think of me and what I do for them. (I want you to like me and I want to encourage you!) When I make decisions and choices which involve other people I am often overwhelmed by the potential effect it will have on someone else, to the point of anxiety.
I have finally recognized this unhealthy behavior and while I haven’t yet conquered all those feelings and fears, I am learning to acknowledge them and ask for support and help from those who can and will help me.
*Starting 2019 with a goal AND a plan
The past few years I have given myself a word of the year and goals (not resolutions) for the year. Tried to set intentions and good habits. But I never gave myself a clear action plan. And that has always led to a lot of floundering and ups and downs.
This year, I have not only set goals, but created an actionable plan to go with it. Goals are exciting, but overwhelming to me. They seem so complicated and big. The action plan takes my goals and breaks them down to manageable steps & tasks which will allow me to build on each step to get to my goal.
You know how do you eat an elephant proverb….One bite at a time.
*What will I do here at All My Good Things?
I am so glad you asked! ACTUALLY, I am so glad you are here and reading this!
I have a goal along with an action plan to grow this blog of mine and to create a space where you feel like my sister, my friend, my neighbor and welcome to come back over and over again as we navigate our way through the journey of motherhood.
I hope you will come back to read more heartfelt, real-life stories of motherhood, find some good tips on keeping a handle on your home when you have a bunch of minions trying to burn it to the ground, recipes for some darn good food, and no pressure to be perfect, be skinny, be Martha Stewart, or be all.the.things.
This year, I hope we become friends. I hope you will leave more comments, ask more questions, and share life with me.
So, Hello 2019!!! Let’s take this year one day, one moment, one good thing at a time.
Happy 2019,
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