Well, hello October! How the heck did we get here so fast?
Anyone else feel like the train picked up speed this second half of the year and we are barreling towards the big holiday season with the speed of an 8 year old flying down the stairs for dinner? Yah. Me too.
I am currently listening to Elton John’s This Train Don’t Stop song on repeat. I love the piano is this song and soulful music is my jam. If you watch me on Insta Stories, a lot of time you will hear what I refer to as “Hotel Jazz” in the background. Smooth, classic jazz gives me so much zen. What kind of music do you play over and over?
I traveled for 10 days in September. I was home for 30 hours in the middle of the 10 days and it was amazing and exhausting. In case you don’t know, this blog is my business. I have worked hard to create content that resonates with women all over the world and now I am able to work with brands & companies to create content which brings in income. I absolutely LOVE that I get to do this job. I have made so many friends and learn a LOT about myself along the way.
One of the things I did during my travels was a Mastermind Retreat. Six of us who are entrepreneurs have formed a mastermind where we support, challenge, and check in on each other every month and once a year we gather to have a weekend dedicated to diving deep into our businesses.
The big strategy I walked away with after this years mastermind was to open up and share more of the things on my heart. Doesn’t seem that hard or that big, but it is! Writing things that are personal can be scary. I published THIS POST this week. I have been writing it in my head for years and finally wrote it down. I would love to have your feedback and I hope that as I share more of the raw and the real you will feel encouraged to be raw and real yourself.
If you have a question or something you would like to know, would you do me a favor and send me an email or a DM on social media? I want to get to know you and help you!
Where is the fall weather????
My fingers are crossed that the heat will go away here in Houston soon and I can start doing my morning walks without dying of heat stroke. I ordered new tennis shoes and LOVE them! Scored a great deal too. If you are in need of new shoes, sign up to be notified of the daily deals at Joe’s New Balance Outlet. $35 for $90 shoes??? Yes! I will take them!
Oh, One more thing! I also attended a Mom’s Meet Summit in Arlington during my travels and got to sample so many amazing products that moms need to know about! I am going to be doing a giveaway of some of those products on my Instagram and want you to enter! Just like every post in the month of October and I will choose a winner to send a bag of swag! I have to say I am pretty impressed with some of these new companies that are prioritizing creating products that are clean and safe for both kids and the environment.
While I have a lot more to say… I am already over 500 words at this point and know you are busy with your day. Thank you for stopping by and reading all the rambling of this Thursday post. Remember YOU are freaking amazing!
I’ve been listening to “nobody” by Mathew west + cast crowns! LOVE IT!
I need to go listen! Thanks Nicole!