Happy Birthday to my little sister, Elizabeth!!! Isn’t she gorgeous?! Obviously, this pic is not from this weekend… (Hence no 33 week preggo belly!) Three years ago, Liz decided to move to Michigan. I know that God knew that I would need my sister! The last three years has been some of the most amazing…
Making It Past 32 Weeks
This week I’m 32 weeks along in my pregnancy. It is amazing to see how God has allowed us to make it this far in the pregnancy with no complications. I don’t want to say that God is good just because there hasn’t been any major problems so far. Because God would still be GOOD…
Crazy, Cooped-up Children!
I love Michigan… (really I do!) Except when the weather plays with us. It taunts us. It messes with our children and their sanity!!! For two weeks we had gorgeous weather! Warm, Sunny, just Beautiful! My boys got to go outside in shorts and play with all their long lost outside toys! It was wonderful…
All the little miracles…
I just wanted to post a little update on J3.0. He is FABULOUS! Really, the doctors are amazed at how far we have made it with really no issues. We go every Monday for ultrasound to check up on this little guy. (I just have to say that I really appreciate good ultrasound technicians! For…
Riding the Roller Coaster….
Sometimes life feels like a Roller Coaster! (Can I get an “Amen“?) It seems like life is a series of ups and downs and twists and turns and loop-d-loops…. Over and over again…. And we can’t see where this roller coaster is going or what is happening next! I LOVE real roller coasters….but…. it does…
Apple Butter
My mother-in-law is so awesome! She is always passing on abundance of fruits and veggies to us! I had every intention of eating two-three apples a day and serving them to my fruit-addicted boys… but we just weren’t making a dent in the multiple pounds of apples sitting on the steps by my kitchen…. So,…
A John Deere Baby Shower
I love that I get the opportunity to celebrate so many amazing things in the lives of people around me! This month my sister and I threw a baby shower for a very sweet lady in our church, Nicole. She is having a boy. And although I wouldn’t have guessed it, she and her husband…
Cooking for the freezer
I am prepared this pregnancy! At least I want to be prepared! When I was pregnant with Jimmy it was right around the 22 week mark that I went on bed rest. (I am 21 weeks right now!) At 27 weeks we started the never ending hospital short stays for procedures and follow ups and…
Boys and Murphy’s Law
These are my boys. These are my boys in a beautifully, clean, organized, fully-fuctional room. This is Murphy’s Law. Everything that can be tipped over or dumped out or destroyed, will. Everyday we prove science at our house! =) Happy Friday Everyone!!!! Keikilani