I recently heard having children is Exhausting Blessings. Oh boy! I could not agree more! Especially when they are young. (or at least that is my opinion because I haven’t experienced any other stage yet except for almost 6yrs & under! HA!) Everyday I am amazed at how blessed I am by three beautiful boys….
Just Fancy Decorations
Little Boys. Little Boys. The energy that comes from Little Boys!!! My boys are currently 1, 3, & 5. They are fireballs of energy and mischief! They are already showing signs of insanity from being inside due to the freezing temperatures. There are days when it is 7:58 pm in our house and they are…
Teaching A Dinosaur To Communicate
Ok. So I know some of you are reading this just to find out where you can get your very own dinosaur! Well, I am sorry. Dinosaurs seem to find you on their own. If perhaps you find one living with you unexpectedly, well, hopefully this little post will encourage you. Dinosaurs of course can…