I received product and compensation to thank me for my time in testing out the product, but all opinions expressed are my own. There are so many reasons to teach your kids to garden this spring. Gardening is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate to your children some amazing life lessons and skills. We made a stop at…
I caught my monsters being good! (FREE Behavior Chart Printable)
Kids are little monsters. We say that a lot in my house. When you are a small person and have trouble communicating your big feelings… Sometimes you turn into a little monster. My children are just like your children… THEY ARE CRAZY!!!!!
Teaching A Dinosaur To Communicate
Ok. So I know some of you are reading this just to find out where you can get your very own dinosaur! Well, I am sorry. Dinosaurs seem to find you on their own. If perhaps you find one living with you unexpectedly, well, hopefully this little post will encourage you. Dinosaurs of course can…
Always Stop and Kiss the Boo-Boos
Yesterday morning I was busy. Busy emptying the dishwasher, changing diapers, getting breakfast, cleaning up breakfast, picking up toys, starting laundry, working on the computer, checking Facebook, picking up food off the floor, working on my giant “To Do” list, shushing obnoxious dogs, drinking cold coffee…. Ok. You get it. I was busy. Mom busy….